Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Montana

A pair of harlequin ducks; a black bear; Calochortus apiculatus; a moose with her twin calves along the Flathead River; a glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum); a grizzly bear; a view towards the Garden Wall; a juvenile bighorn ram in the rain; a Campanula rotundifolia.
Western slope of the Andes, Ecuador (2018)

Poison dart frog with the best scientific name ever, Epipedobates darwinwallacei; collared trogon, yellow-tufted dacnis, flame-faced tanager, toucan barbet, blue-winged mountain tanager, collared aracari, broad-billed motmot, and Guayaquil woodpecker.
Yasuni National Park, Ecuadorian Amazon

Red howler monkey in the canopy (as seen from a viewing platform), caiman lizard basking in the sun in flooded forest, hoatzin, ringed kingfisher, golden-mantled tamarin, crested owls (juvenile and adult), tayra, squirrel monkey, giant river otter.
Western slope of the Andes, Ecuador (2017)

Andean cock-of-the-rock, view of the cloud forest, collared aracari, giant antpitta, plate-billed mountain toucan, spectacled bear, red-headed barbets (female and male), rufous motmot, and a golden-headed quetzal.
Corcovado National Park, Osa peninsula, Costa Rica

Top to bottom, left to right: a howler monkey, a chestnut-mandibled toucan, a young three-toed sloth, a tapir, two yearling (siblings) pumas resting on the same branch, a sea turtle, the Corcovado coast, a red-capped manakin, leaf cutter ants, a brown booby, a view of the forest from the middle of a stream, a blue-crowned motmot, a collared peccary and a howler monkey napping on a branch.
Everglades National Park and Big Cypress Swamp

American alligator in a tangle of mangrove prop roots, anhinga drying its wings in a cypress swamp, osprey with a fish in its talons, an adult white ibis in a mangrove, cypress swamp, and mangroves in the southern Everglades.
Tongass National Forest, Alaska

Top to bottom, left to right: A porcupine in a spruce tree, a chocolate lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis), Taku glacier from the water, view of the mountains (Lupinus sp in the foreground) and a seal with her pup on an ice floe (Tracy Arm, Ford's Terror Wilderness).
Monterey Bay, California

Humpback whales lunge feeding
Elephant seals, central California coast

Taveuni, Fiji

Top to bottom, left to right: The Lavena coast, Wanibau falls, a purple land crab which was thought to have gone extinct in the late 1880s until this population was discovered in 1984, a banded sea snake, coral reef in the Somosomo Strait, Upper Tavoro Falls, overlooking Vidawa National Park.

Cacti in bloom (mostly Opuntia spp but also an Echinocerus), saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) flower, canyon tree frog (Hyla arenicolor), red rocks of Sedona, male and female elegant trogons, a view from the Tonto upper cliff dwelling, Fay Canyon in Sedona.
Interesting plants, many of them rare or endangered

Top to bottom, left to right: Cypripedium montanum (rare, Endangered), Piperia dilatata leucostachys, Epipactus gigantea, Calypso bulbosa, Lobelia grayana (endemic to Haleakala, Maui), Hesperolinon brewerii (rare), Acer macrophyllum, Clarkia mildredea mildredea, Aristolochia californica, Argyroxiphium sandwicense macrocephalum (endemic to Haleakala, Maui, Endangered), Streptanthus glandulosus secundus, Fritillaria recurva, Gentiana calycosa, Hesperolinon congestum (endemic, Endangered), Cypripedium fasciculatum (rare), Darlingtonia californica (rare), Lilium pardalinum, Limnanthes douglasii, Cypripedium californicum (rare), Lupinus stiversii, Cirsium occidentale, Corallorhiza maculata, Asarum caudatum, Iris longipetala (rare), Cordylanthus nidularius (endemic, Endangered), Collinsia tinctoria, Fritillaria affinis, Viola kauaiensis (endemic to the Alaka'i swamp, Kauai, Endangered), Scoliopus bigelovii, and Dirca occidentalis (rare, Threatened).
A few Calochortus species
Calochortus is a classic (and beautiful) example of an adaptive radiation and California is the center of this radiation.

C. clavatus clavatus, C. argillosus, C. amabilis, an unusual C. venustus, an unusual C. pulchellus, C. obispoensis, C. tolmiei, C. fimbriatus, C. tiburonensis, C. raichei, a typical C. venustus, C. monophyllus, C. luteus, C. fimbriatus with a crab spider attacking a honey bee, C. umbellatus, C. nuttallii, C. ambiguus, C. argillosus, C. vestae, C. nudus, C. albus.
Miscellaneous California wildlife